Before the converter I was able to pick up six stations. Albeit three of them were snowy. They weren't so snowy I couldn't decipher what was being shown. Now I get four stations. CBS,FOX,CM, ION.

I bought a DVD player/recorder/converter combination well ahead of the digital deadline. This combination wasn't available everywhere. I ended up making my purchase from Best Buy.
In addition to that, I bought a top of the line (at least that's what I was told) antenna that the Best Buy clerk said I should get if I didn't have PAY(translate rip off) TV. It turns out that I paid $50 for an antenna that I could have gotten for $19 or $20.

The antenna doesn't work unless I sit it on the floor. (It's resting on an ancient copy of quotes and sayings and a Reader's Digest condensed book. ) Sometimes it still doesn't work.
Any type of aircraft flying overhead causes the picture to blank out, stutter or pixillate. Can you imagine how aggravating this is? Just when the program is getting to an important point the picture is lost and so am I as to who killed the victim.
This is not aesthetically pleasing. If I want this to watch TV like normal people I will have to become a peon to cable TV or one of it's competitors.
I'm still thinking about it.
It's a conspiracy!
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