At some time during your youth I'm sure you've been chided by an elder saying;
" So if Sally jumps off of a roof, you'll jump off too?"
Just another way of saying, "Don't do everything you see someone else doing."
Some of us listen and some of us...tread carefully.
I got the idea of dyeing pantyhose from If You Give A Girl A Needle. Her instructions were great and I did not follow them to the letter.
- She urged getting pantyhose that don't have a lot of different fibers. Hers had nylon.
- Slowly stir the mixture (hose and Kool Aid) the entire time.
Another site encouraged wetting the hose thoroughly before putting into the color bath so that the color would be evenly distributed. I decided to take that advice.
Here's a brand new pair of unopened pantyhose. I have no idea of what the fiber content is.I wanted purple hose so I bought one packet of grape Kool Aid.
It was difficult to see the purple liquid due to the steam rising.
Red + blue= purple. I see blue.
Something is amiss.
Close up of the results. Do you see
purple? I don't. Splotches of red and some unknown color.
There you have it. The results of dyeing pantyhose with Kool Aid.
Let's Review
1.One good thing about this is that I used an old pair of pantyhose. The package you saw at the top was not opened, harmed or maimed in any way.
2. I used only one packet of Kool Aid . Two or three might have helped making it more concentrated.
3.I did not stir continuously as instructed in
If You Give A Girl A Needle's (IYGAGAN) instructions. I sat down and watched The Price Is Right. Then I remembered the panty hose, went back to the stove and began to stir.
4. I saturated the pantyhose before putting them in the grape bath. This was not a part of
IYGAGAN instructions.
Though this was a
FAIL, I will be trying this again.