Just another way of saying, "Don't do everything you see someone else doing."
Some of us listen and some of us...tread carefully.
I got the idea of dyeing pantyhose from If You Give A Girl A Needle. Her instructions were great and I did not follow them to the letter.
- She urged getting pantyhose that don't have a lot of different fibers. Hers had nylon.
- Slowly stir the mixture (hose and Kool Aid) the entire time.
Here's a brand new pair of unopened pantyhose. I have no idea of what the fiber content is.I wanted purple hose so I bought one packet of grape Kool Aid.
It was difficult to see the purple liquid due to the steam rising.
Red + blue= purple. I see blue.
Something is amiss.
Close up of the results. Do you see purple? I don't. Splotches of red and some unknown color.
There you have it. The results of dyeing pantyhose with Kool Aid.
Let's Review
1.One good thing about this is that I used an old pair of pantyhose. The package you saw at the top was not opened, harmed or maimed in any way.
2. I used only one packet of Kool Aid . Two or three might have helped making it more concentrated.
3.I did not stir continuously as instructed in If You Give A Girl A Needle's (IYGAGAN) instructions. I sat down and watched The Price Is Right. Then I remembered the panty hose, went back to the stove and began to stir.
4. I saturated the pantyhose before putting them in the grape bath. This was not a part of IYGAGAN instructions.
Though this was a FAIL, I will be trying this again.
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