Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I had a birthday a few weeks ago. This one doesn't actually count since I only celebrate every leap year in October. (Figure it out). In my mind I'm still 44 though my mirror and the government  has me in a different decade.

I'd signed up a couple years ago for the FREE Ruby Tuesday's birthday burger. I downloaded my online coupon and went to my closest Ruby Tuesday's.  It was Classic Weekend so the place was pretty empty.
 When I went to Ruby Tuesday's two years ago, I had a burger and fries. This time was even better. I was offered my choice of burger and choice of two sides. I chose the bleu cheese burger, salad bar and baked potato.  By any account that is a lot of food.   On top of that the waitress  forgot to ask me if I'd like to try the shrimp fondue appetizer. If she forgets, I get it free. She forgot but,  I told her I didn't want the appetizer. That would be downright gluttony.

This is the time I should have made like a little old lady and pilfered some of that food in a ziplock bag and stashed it in my purse.

Here's my downloaded coupon

And here is my meal.

The burger was delicious. I didn't eat the bun. I wrapped it up and put it in my purse.
In the past I've also had a coupon to Coldstone's Creamery but I forfeited that one this year.

A friend e-mailed me a list of businesses that grant senior citizen's discounts. Some I qualify for now according to my government age and some I'll qualify for in the next few years. I'm keeping the list handy.



That's a lot of territory to cover but, somebody has got to do it, why not me.