You must be careful.
There's always an internet post on "hacks."
Hacks= Shortcuts/alternate ways to doing various things.
- Some work. Growing basil from clippings.
Some make you go Hmmm? Put hot glue dots underneath socks to make them non slip
- Others are ridiculous. Maxi pad bed slippers.
You'll need some regular popcorn, a measuring cup and a brown, flat bottomed paper bag.
I measured about 1/4 cup of popcorn and poured it inside the bag.
I folded the bag over a couple of times but, have since revised that.
I now fold the bag over enough times so that it will rotate freely inside the microwave. I also tape down the opening.
I set my timer for 2 1/2 minutes. Make sure the bag isn't touching any of the sides of the microwave and that it doesn't get stuck at any time. Otherwise, YOUR POPCORN WILL BURN.
I've had that happen during my experimentation. That leftover, burned smell isn't pleasant. Febreeze doesn't help.
Here you can see the bag puffed out with the popped corn.
What's popcorn without butter or some type of seasoning? Without any seasoning you might as well be eating Styrofoam. But, if you're into the air popped popcorn, it's perfect.
This made about 2 cups.
I am a popcorn person, what type of tape did you use that doesn't melt in the microwave?