TEN THINGS I DID TODAY or thereabout
I got the "Ten Things" idea from Adrienne's blog at Real Life: Live & Unscripted.
"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"
2. Listened to the Tom Joyner Morning Show.
They're on vacation right now. They take more vacations than any other radio show that I know of.
4. Received a call from my neighbor asking if I wanted to use the
remainder of the bug spray she uses around her house. We mostly have small spiders.

5. Neighbor came up with spray and we ended up talking for over an hour.
In the 1950's this would have included sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.
I had no coffee or anything else. I had an enjoyable time with her.
6. Neighbor left and I sprayed the bug killer around the house and in the garage.

8. Went to Target and bought a clear shower curtain liner and a pound of coconut macaroon coffee. I've never had that flavor before.
9. Stopped at Starbucks and had a frappuccino.
Stopped off at Walgreen's and bought a can of mixed nuts. (How appropriate is that?)
10. Apparently the Starbucks frappuccino had real cream in the whipping. When I got home lactose intolerance set in.
I don't even remember doing this! LOL But I need to do it again lol.