I’d seen an article in the paper regarding a display of
Barbie Dolls at the Bass House in
Leeds, Alabama. According to the article, the collector has over 400 Barbie’s along with a few Ken’s and others from Barbie’s entourage. The entire collection was not displayed just a few from the collection.

never heard of the Bass House Museum let alone Jonathan Bass. From what I could find out, Jonathan Bass and his family were lifelong residents of Leeds, Alabama. The house was built by his father and was still under construction in 1863 while Jonathan was away serving in the Confederate Army. Two rooms were finished after Jonathan returned in 1865. The home stayed in the family for over one hundred years.

Other articles I found expressed the uniqueness of the architecture for a house during this period of time.

I think this may be the lady's parlor since there are elbow length gloves draped over the sofa arm.

Another parlor.
I was impressed with the stencil painted ceiling.
Now on to the Barbie's
It was difficult to decide which way to photograph the display. They were all inisde a glass display case. Some were standing, some were flat so I just went in at different angles. The museum guides who are all volunteers admitted that she was unsure as to how to display the dolls.

This is one of the earliest Ken dolls. He has felt hair (which reminded me of how Steve Harvey wore his when he had his sitcom). The zipper on his pants is less than an inch long and it works. Though Ken's maroon cummerbund is a little low I can overlook it considering he's been around for over 40 years.

These are additional Barbie and Ken dolls in various themes.
The Bass House Museum is a menagerie of themes. Other rooms displayed Native American arrowheads, war heroes and sports figures from Leeds. I'll show those pictures in my next post.
THAT'S IT for now***
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