There are no spoilers below if you haven't seen these movies. Besides, would I do that to you?
I attended the matinee to see Madea's Big Happy Family. I'm a Tyler Perry fan though there are those who thumb their noses at his productions. But that is the way of the world. Everyone has an opinion.
This was on a Thursday. As you can see there weren't many people at this first showing but that was fine with me. The story has to do with a woman dying of cancer(Loretta Devine) who wants to get her three children together for a meal and to tell them all of her illness and impending death. As with many families inner turmoil exists and each character has his or her own problems preventing the dinner from taking place. That is until Madea steps in and gets some straightening done. There are surprises in the storyline and of course a moral and wise advice that you can take with you to think on.
On Friday, I wanted to see Jumping the Broom so I went to The Edge. Privately owned this theatre is located off of Crestwood Blvd. where the Eastwood Festival Theatre once reigned. Before I get to the movie, let me tell you about the theatre.
There are no huge movie posters or 3-D stand- up advertisements. There is no box office. You go inside and there are about four "cast members" ( That's what the employees have written on their badges along with their names.) Your fare is paid at the concession stand. This was free popcorn Friday so the only thing I had to pay for was my beverage. The beverages are self-serve against an adjacent wall. When I gave my ticket to the usher he gave me another ticket sized card titled $5.00 Tuesdays. He explained that on Tuesdays you can see any movie for $5.00. These are the same movies as those playing at the chain theatres. All of the cast members were polite and friendly. I felt welcomed as if my business was appreciated.
There was no soft music playing inside the theatre before the feature. You were left to your own devices there. There were no murals and colored lights on the wall. At the appointed time, the previews began and then the feature. The only drawback I had was that the movie screen could have been a little brighter but once my eyes adjusted I settled in to the movie. I will be returning to this theatre because of the staff and the simplicity of it all.
Jumping the Broom tells the story of a couple in love from opposite sides of the track as it was once called. The future in-laws and relatives create much havoc before the nuptials causing severe strain on the wedded- couple -to-be. There are surprises also in this movie that pop out all of a sudden. Mike Epps is funny and serious. There's plenty of male eye-candy which is always a plus to me. As a T.D. Jakes production the morality issue is a strong theme. The bride makes a vow to God that she will not have sex before marriage. Whoever God sends her will have to love her enough to want to wait until after marriage for her "cookies" as she calls it. As can be expected, both bride and groom take a lot of heat from friends and relatives about this vow. The groom defends his bride by telling the nosies that if he had to wait another six months, he would do it because he loves her just that much.
Madea's Big Happy Family was totally hilarious. I haven't seen Jumping the broom yet, but it looks funny.