I can waste a lot of time on PINTEREST. But, the ideas are mesmerizing and get my creative juices going. The juices might have been flowing but it was two months before I got back to the project.
I'm not artist, but this is my sketch. I had big plans. And, yes I sketched it on the back of an envelope that came in the mail.
I have a habit of saving them and using them as scratch paper. It's just another way I recycle.
I bought these 3 items from the second hand store ON Seniors Day which afforded me another 50% off of my total purchase. I cut the tees into rectangles and cut the flannel shirt about where my waist would be.
I bought the shirt larger to allow for any cutting and seams I might need to do. Turns out the sleeves were toooo long and I had to take darts in the back. When it came to mitering the seams on the side I had to contact YouTube University😃. You can find a wealth of information there for almost any problem you have.
I wanted to add lace to the bottom similar to others I'd seen and so I went to yet another thrift store looking for a vintage lace that would fit in with the theme. I found it on pillow shams of which I cut it off and sewed to the bottom. The end result was neatly done . When I put it on, I didn't like what I saw. It needed more alterations and customizing for my figure.
I wasn't willing to spend more time or money on this project.
This will be going into a pile of discards that I'll give to a friend for her grand kids to play dress-up in.
I'm not disappointed. I probably spent about $10 on this project. I'm not defeated. On to the next boho project.