I had the opportunity of attending a church play that had a friend and her daughter as part of the cast. The title Girlfriend, It's Just a Storm was performed at The Star once known as New Rising Star Baptist Church. The play concerns four friends who meet for lunch just to catch up after a number of years being apart. Each friend is experiencing "a storm" in her life. None share their storm out loud in detail to the others. Later, we see each one of the characters in her own vignette revealing what her life struggle is.

Will Jane's * breast cancer surgery and reconstruction be successful? Will her fiancé still want to marry her after such a body and life altering experience? pictured l.to.r. : Jane, Jane's, fiancé and mother.
Between scene changes we were treated with humor by, Two Ladies and a Pocketbook As a self-employed business woman, Diane is facing bankruptcy due to the pandemic and a backlog in shipment of merchandise. This predicament finds her plagued by creditors, utilities in arrears and repossession of her car.
Since the death of his brother Shirley's husband no longer attends church service or spends time with her,
Two Ladies and a Pocketbook Mary is a hospital worker whose mother has dementia. The in-home caregiver's own mother has fallen and she'll be leaving immediately to take care of her. This leaves Mary in a dilemma. Who can she get to care for her mother on such short notice?
In each scene, unseen by the characters, an angel comes to them with news of hope and trust in God telling them they're only going through a storm in life.
The Outcome Jane* is cancer free, her reconstruction a success and her fiancé still loves her
Diane receives a letter stating that a rich relative has died leaving her $650,000.
Mary receives a call from the Home Care Service agency stating that they'll be sending out a Home Health Aide the next day along with improved meds for her mother.
Shirley's husband is visited by the angel. He prays and decides to reunite himself with the church and his wife.
When Shirley returns because she forgot her purse, her husband decides to attend church services with her.
When the women reunite each one tells the storms they have experienced and how God made a way and saw them through.
The cast of, Girlfriend, It's Just a Storm ***
Playwright, Mona Dilworth, author of Girlfriend, It's Just a Storm, accepting flowers
* Jane- I was unable to remember the character's name so I named her Jane.
That's it ⛪⛪⛪