There's nothing like the brewing of fresh coffee. Some people go so far as to grind their own beans before brewing a cup. I can remember as a child accompanying my mother when she went to the A&P for groceries. She'd get a bag of Eight O'Clock coffee,
open the bag and dump the beans in the grinder. Positioning the bag underneath the grinder, she'd turn on the machine and I'd watch the ground beans along with that wonderful aroma pour into the bag. During those days I'd never heard of flavored coffee.

About the only people who really frequented coffee shops were beatniks, where they'd spit poetry, discuss the mysteries of life and engage in other alterations of their present society.
In the past coffee always seemed like a mediator. IN the early days of soap operas, the women would sit at the kitchen table drinking coffee and discussing whatever crisis they were going through. Even now when a person may be going through a rough patch, a friend may suggest "getting a cup of coffee" and talking things over. "Would you like to get a cup of coffee?" has been used by more than one person to break the ice when wanting to get acquainted with someone.

It's owner is Polly King. You can get the same thing here that you can get at Starbucks but even more. For one thing Ms. Polly greets everyone who enters with a smile and makes you feel welcomed. That's one of the differences between franchise businesses and those privately owned.

Coffee Shoppee has coffee, tea, juices, baked goods (the poppy seed bundt cake is my favorite), sandwiches on request and of course a
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