🙄🙄🙄😳 ???? ISP
Lightbulb Dilemma
What do you do when you're acrophobic but, you want to install a new light bulb in your garage? There are light bulb changer devices sold at the local home centers but, I had no desire to purchase one since the garage would be the only place I'd use it. All of my other light fixtures have covers and the light bulb changer can't help with that. I went to my usual source, YouTube, to see what I could rustle up.
Because the light bulb had paddles, I tried using Plan A, made from a broom handle and detergent bottle bottom. No matter how I stuffed the inside, it was still too wonky. Plan B was with an empty 16 oz. foam, soft drink cup. It worked perfectly for removing a standard light bulb and would probably do just as well inserting a bulb.
Nonetheless, I still tried inserting the paddle light with paddles closed into the socket. It worked!😀😀
But, when I tried to open the paddles, it disconnected from the socket and just hung there like a dead fish. 😩
To the rescue came my young neighbor after I asked if he had a ladder and if I could borrow it (acrophobia: don't ask). He removed the broken bulb from the socket and since there were two in the pack, I gave him the other one to use instead. I thanked him and offered to give him $$ but, he wouldn't take it. He took a picture of the box saying he might buy a set.
The outcome was better than I expected. I have so much light with just the one bulb.
I can only imagine what it will look like when I get the second bulb put in.
NOTE: I returned the broken bulb, got a replacement bulb AND bought a box of the bulbs for my young neighbor. All young people aren't bad.
It was a good day.🙂
That's it***