Wednesday, June 12, 2019

It's A Senior AfFAIR

If you use your TV remote
to make phone calls,  you might be a senior citizen.

When you see another woman wearing ugly shoes
and you ask if they are comfortable, you might be a senior citizen.

If a young person tells you how good
copied from
the Black-Eyed Peas are and you say thank you, you might be a senior citizen.


There are so many programs now for Senior citizens. Taking care of the body and mind is important once the routine of work and family takes a dramatic change.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) sponsored a Senior Fit  Health Fair at Railroad Park.

According to  ideas for  a park in downtown Birmingham began as early as the 1950’s and was tossed around for the next 50 years.

During the fall of 2010, the park became a reality. The original name, The Railroad Reservation Park  was changed to Railroad Park. Honoring  the railroad history of Birmingham, Alabama  the 19 acre property is a sweeping vista of flora native to the area. Along with open lawns, well defined arbors are placed strategically throughout the park providing a shady respite for joggers and those escaping the excruciating southern summer heat . Water features add calm and beauty as visitors relax on benches and structures many of which were built from recycled bricks and other objects unearthed during construction of the park.  

Up until this year I’d never set foot onto Railroad Park.
Attending the Senior Health Fair afforded me the opportunity to visit the park.
There were a number of booths available providing, minimal eye tests, hearing tests, information on heart, blood pressure, memory, transportation, care giving respite and much more. All was informative. 
Periodically, exercise routines were demonstrated with 

impromptu participation by attendees. 
Healthy food was available .

These are some of the freebies doled out by the vendors. 

If it was something I couldn't use, I didn't take it
See the green arrow by the ear buds? They must 
have been for children because the span from left ear to 
right ear under the chin was about 5 inches. 😮 Couldn't 
use them.
I've seen these representations of Vulcan in other places in the city.
Each one is unique.The plaque to the lower left shows
who is sponsoring this particular artistic design .
 This one is titled  Magic City Lights. I'm unable to decipher its artist.
I'm appreciative to BCBS and others for sponsoring this Senior Health Fair.  I plan to participate in the various programs as long as I can. When I was a child it seemed that seniors A.K.A. "old people" just sat on the porch, were cranky to kids, and went to church. Now that I have become a senior, there are so many programs and activities available to ensure the golden years are bright. 

That's It***

Next week - "He stole my skin"

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