Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Decoupaging a Vase

I began with napkins, cut outs from magazines and

First,  I glued  some of the cut outs on the outside with the face of the picture turned toward the inside of the vase. I then added sparkles using  glitter nail polish. 

Gluing the pictures from the calendar face 
down on the vase from the outside.

This is how the vase looks from inside.

After the glued pictures dried, I painted the entire vase with white chalk paint.

Additional cutouts to be placed randomly on top of the napkins.

The finished vase

The same gluing method for the napkins and cutouts was used. After drying, the entire vase was sprayed with a  clear sealer. 

Gold washi tape was used around the bottom and top. NOT A GOOD CHOICE. I removed the tape later. Since this is my first attempt, I'm pleased. I'll use gold, bronze or silver leaf in the future for rim and base if I want sparkle. 
While this vase can hold water inside, it is not completely waterproof on the outside even with the sealant.  

That's it ***