Wednesday, November 9, 2022

I Won a Watermelon

2 pics

It was huge and it was delicious. 

A gardening class was being taught at Archwell Health. I posted about Archwell Health  in September.  

The teacher was extraordinary and extremely knowledgeable.  In addition to teaching gardening classes and  traditional farming he also does hydroponic and aquaponic farming. 

After each class he holds a drawing for two prizes. Only those who've never won are eligible.  There were two prizes, a soil tester and a watermelon. I was the first winner and received this gigantic watermelon. ( Secretly, I'd been longing for a taste of watermelon) I won!!This huge piece of fruit lived up to it's outside features. The texture was firm and the meat was m-m-m sweet๐Ÿ˜Œ .

Wanting to savor all of its goodness right down to the rind, it was my intention to make watermelon rind pickles (click the link to see my past production).  But,  that was not to be. The last time I did this was in 2010. It is labor intensive and after saving the rind for a decent amount of time,  a voice in my head said, "NOPE. It ain't gonna happen." Into the garbage the rind went. That's okay, I have the memories of when I did pickle watermelon rind.
watermelon rind pickles from 2010.  I ran out of canning jars so the 
pickles in the 'Classico" jar were refrigerated and eaten within a short 
period of time.

That's It ๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‰