Saturday, July 10, 2021

Fried Green Tomatoes

 I planted ONE tomato plant in a pot some time ago and below you'll see the results.

Since I don't have a lot of space, any gardening I do is in a pot or something resembling a pot. 

The tomatoes weren't turning red fast enough for my liking so I decided to do fried green tomatoes. I haven't always been successful with these in that the crust won't adhere to the tomato. I consulted  my favorite choice of knowledge, YouTube to search out a recipe that might work. I found Smoking & Grilling With AB

It's been said that reheating  the tomatoes will only make them soggy. The tomatoes I had left over, I reheated inside a regular oven on 350 degrees for about 8-10 minutes. They were fine for my taste.
That's it***