Thursday, May 7, 2020

Mask Making

This is an N 95 mask.
I wanted to do what I could to help during the COVID-19 crisis especially, those on the front line. I offered to make masks for a relative who works on the front line at the hospital. At first, he said no, then he asked me to make 6. I was thinking these were for him so that he’d have a clean one for each day. But it turns out he wanted to give one to each person on his team. One of his teammates had distributed homemade masks to them and he wanted to return the favor.  This relative is a good guy that's selfless and giving. He has always been that way. For privacy purposes I won't reveal his name.

He offered to pay for materials, but I declined. Sewers and crafters keep a “stash.” Sometimes it’s left over from previous projects or we buy items not knowing what we’re going to do with them but assume they’ll come in handy at some time or another. 😊 I just wanted to help in some way possible and was honored to do so.

I asked if he wanted the tie masks or elastic behind the ear? I was told, the elastic behind the ear.

I viewed several videos on YouTube and decided on  Leah Day

You see purple, flowered and off white. All were a cotton blend with a good weave. Sometimes after having things for so long you forget what or why you bought them. The purple I’d planned to use as a lining in a lace dress that remains half finished and probably will never be finished. The flowered I’d planned to make a bed pillow. After keeping it two years I don’t think it’s going to happen.  I couldn’t remember why I had the off white but, finally I remembered. I’d used it at the bottom of a shower curtain (the cloth one) to make it longer.
The black and white rolled elastic I had for whatever reason. 😶 The pipe cleaners were left over from a 2017 Christmas project.  They'll be used in the mask near the nose allowing the person to bend it to fit and to keep glasses from fogging up. The marking pens I bought on Amazon after watching a sewing program and getting all fired up to sew. They're needed to mark where I'll make the pleats in the mask.

The marking pens worked great on the off-white fabric, but when it came to the flowered, I had to rely on a black marker because the pen colors were blending in with the flowers.  

There’s a lot of debate on what’s being used as filters. I’ve seen suggestions for paper towels, feminine products with the plastic taken out, disposable diaper material, AC filters.  I’d  say to research carefully whatever you decide to use.

I didn’t stop with the six masks; I made more giving some to my relative and his wife and some elsewhere. By the time I’d finished I’d made 21 masks. (Not shown).  Someone else asked me to make three for her and I said I would.  I had to renege. I’d masked out.

I was glad I was able to help out .

That's it😷

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