Wednesday, October 12, 2016

More Adult Coloring

Weather changes always do something to/for my psyche. After two weeks of decaf, I splurged and had a cup of Mickey D's coffee. I suppose the vacay from caffeine gave me a boost when I reentered it into my body. 

I took care of some errands and made my way back to the library in time for Adult Coloring which is one of the new stress relievers. They have a Keuring coffee machine along with snacks for participants. Two people were there when I arrived. One left, leaving just two of us. It was pleasant and of course I did avail myself of another cup of coffee. It would have been impolite not to accept. The remaining person said that she floats from library to library participating in the crafts that each has to offer. I may look into doing something like that during those weeks I have fewer plans.

Shortly after I began.

The end product.

That's It *  *

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