These are the fresh veggies that were in my box from the East Lake Farmer's Market this weekend. Tomatoes,squash,purple hull peas, green beans, redskin potatoes, and peaches. This is plenty for me. I'd been picking up every week but had to change that because it was more food than I was getting to. A half box is $15 which is what I get. A whole box is $30. Supporting local farmers and crafts people is my goal as well as getting fresh food when so many places have been deemed fresh food deserts.
Yesterday, I had to have these colorful hand embroidered kitchen towels. The photo doesn't do justice to the precise stitches used to form the images on the towel. The craftsperson told me that the towels were purchased and are part of the Martha Stewart collection but the images are hand stitched. The fabric seemed to be a mixture of linen and cotton. The colors and borders as well as the handwork would make a cute sundress for a small child. On the other hand who'd want their child wearing a casserole dish, teapot or drinking glass. It was just a thought.
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