Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ensley, Alabama Heritage Coffee -Part 1

Took a staycation to an area I moved away from 60+ years ago. Revitalization is in the works but I still have childhood memories of its heyday.

Founded in 1886 by Enoch Ensley the area  started out as Tennessee Coal and Iron (TCI) and prospered greatly. After purchase in 1907 by U.S. Steel the plant continued to thrive in the production of iron and steel. 


I started off in Ensley as a child but later our family was forced to move when a housing project was planned for the area. I lived two blocks from the famed Tuxedo Junction made prominent by Birmingham band leader and trumpeter Erskine Hawkins when he composed the song of the same name.

A running joke when visiting other places was that if a person was from Birmingham, Alabama it was assumed that the males in their family worked at  “the Steel Plant.” True enough this was considered a good job for unskilled laborers especially African Americans though they were paid less and put in more dangerous positions. 

Downtown Ensley was a flourishing metropolis during its prime. It had pretty much everything the community needed. In contrast by providing needed services for the inhabitants money spent by Steel Plant employees profited  business owners who rarely lived in the area.

A few weeks ago I went "up in Ensley" to see what recent changes had taken place.

Serving the Ensley community from 1922-2012.  If you couldn’t find it anywhere else you could find it at Cotton’s Department Store.

Heritage Coffee and Tres'  Fine Clothing (a Men's Clothing Store) resides in what was once Cotton's Department Store.

The second floor is housed by an attorney.

Inside  with  exposed brick walls and coffee bar along with food  and other beverages if you're not a coffee drinker. From previous posts you know I'm a coffee drinker.  The barista prepared for me a delicious caramel latte. Need I say more?
I was told future plans include those of most coffee bars and shops. Bands, spoken word poetry, various other events.

I always ask the owners before taking pictures and I was assured it was okay but asked to leave a review on Facebook which I did. In appreciation I received a free coffee # on my next visit.  I took a picture of the barista and though he consented, I could tell by his body language he didn't want to. So, J**h I didn't include your picture. 
Additional floors of the building will be used as office space and meeting rooms for those who work from home and may need to meet clients in a neutral space. 

That's it***
Next time: Part 2 Tres' Fine Clothing

 Lastly: I DO NOT LIKE the new Google Blogger platform. I have very little freedom to alter things.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 taken from Birmingham Times

 I viewed the exhibit Redlining last year, 2019 during the month of October at the Birmingham Museum of Art (BMA). On display was photography done by Celestia Morgan on the Federal Housing Administration's practice of redlining. During the 1930's this department would single out housing areas considered to be undesirable for whites by drawing a red line around them on city maps.  Conversely, banks denied  mortgages and loans if a person of color or certain religion wanted to purchase a home in an all white area.


Photographing the sky shows that there is no difference and it is limitless. Sky is sky.  Drawing connecting lines  indicates enclosure.


Visitors were invited to give their views on three questions. Post-it notes were provided and answers could be placed underneath the questions.  Here are some of their thoughts.

  • My grandparents had to personally fight to get the roads paved in their community though they pay taxes the same as others
  • Hard to bring neighborhood back to its original state
  • Redlining has impacted their opportunity to move to better areas ultimately causing them to live in poorer neighborhoods without healthy eating options and limited exercise abilities leading to unhealthy living and outcome.
  • Many people I know have been in unsafe places because of this program. It is heartbreaking to know that something could happen to them. It truly hurts.

Click this link for a short (6:29) interview film on Celestia Morgan's redlining exhibit.

That's all __________________***
Next week:  Ensley, Alabama

 Blogger has changed its print size.
This is small
This is normal
This is large ๐Ÿ˜• Go figure?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Did It Work?

"I wonder if this will work?"
    " I'll try it out."
           "Hmmm, pretty good."
                 "That was a waste of time."
How often have these been statements or questions about something you've tried?

I wanted to flatten a soda can so that I could try embossing on it.
Does Downy Wrinkle Guard really work?

My question, " Why not use the formula in regular Downy?"
My answer.  " Charge people more for the same thing. Only, let the latter work better."   Economics, merchandising, commerce, dishonesty and greed come to mind.

Not necessarily new: Making salad dressing in a pinch

Does a splatter screen work?
How will I eat my ice cream without a spoon?

Blogger has a new layout that becomes official on August 14th. So, things may look a little differently.

Next week: Redlining________________

That's it***

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Bounty of the Harvest Part 2

A pictorial post
Fresh vegetables just outside the door awaiting harvest is a gift.
    It is even more valuable when you see these fruits of labor.
         Take another look at the garden of RM. She's an avid gardener who takes joy in what she does.  
If you missed  Part 1, scroll up one post .
Watermelon in it's early stages-
 strawberries-  Veggies of all types

Gardening beds

Trellising vegetables to save space for other plan
Take a rest on the red bench.

Flowers and butterfly take in the beauty
from the deck.
View the expanse and beauty of the Secret Garden.

Random nature

COTTON ROAD   Wilsonville, AL
๐Ÿ’šMany thanks to R.M. for allowing me to to share this beauty of  creation.

That's it***
Next week:  Did It Work?